Advantages and Disadvantages of Metal Roofing

Sep 12, 2021 | Blog, Metal Roofing

Metal is a high-performance roofing material. It has long been considered one of the best roofing options for commercial business owners always looking to invest in durability and longevity. Homeowners often shy away from metal because of its reputation for being loud and dull; however, this may no longer be an issue due to the modern-day metal roofing materials.

If you’re thinking about installing a metal roofing system on your home, it’s essential for you to know what the roofing material offers you and what it doesn’t. This article will be detailing the advantages and disadvantages of metal roofing systems.





Metal roofing systems are regarded as one of the most heavy-duty rooftops on the market today. This roofing material is commonly used in environments with frequent storms and severe weather conditions. They’re able to withstand wind speeds of up to 140 mph, their high reflective rate protects your home from harmful UV rays, and they’re capable of quickly shedding significant amounts of snow.


Low Maintenance

If maintenance is not something that you particularly enjoy, then a metal roofing system is perfect for you. The material’s durability makes it practically indestructible, requiring very little maintenance. If you’re worried about rust and oxidation, materials like steel and copper have a natural protective layer that prevents rust from permeating the material and breaking it down.



Metal roofs are a perfect alternative to traditional shingle and tile roofing systems because they come in many different shapes and styles. Thanks to its malleability and versatility, metal can be shaped into shakes, tiles, or even slate-style imitations.




Initial Cost

The initial cost of metal roofing might scare away homeowners who are used to installing asphalt shingles on their rooftops. Metal roofing systems can cost a pretty penny initially; however, they are more affordable in the long run. They have a lifespan of more than 50 years, and they require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective roofing system in the long term.


Require A Specialist

For your metal rooftop to function optimally, you require a specialist to install your metal roofing system. By hiring an inexperienced and unqualified roofer to install your metal roof, you’ll only end up cheating yourself out of the durability and longevity that a professionally installed metal roofing system offers homeowners.



While metal is a highly durable material, if you live in an area that experiences golf ball-sized hail, chances are, over time, your roof may be covered with dents. But it’s important to note that any roofing system will suffer significant damage when exposed to hail that size, so rather a few dents than huge holes through your ceiling.

Are you thinking about installing a metal roofing system for your home? If you’re ready to commit to the best roofing material on the market, then give Nextgen Roofing a call today!

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